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Pranic Healing Delhi NCR > Master Choa Kok Sui Clairvoyance

Master Choa Kok Sui Clairvoyance

This workshop reveals the hidden principles and ancient secrets to develop the “Higher Eyes” or what has been referred to as “Heaven Eyes” or “Buddha Eyes” in Eastern Literature. So by utilising these more sensitive “cameras”, you will quickly and safely perceive the aura, chakras and other subtle energies. Learn these simple and easy to follow techniques, then take home these special exercises to continually hone your clairvoyant skills!

Who can attend the workshop (eligibility)

Arhatic Yoga® Level 1-2!

What will you learn?

You will ``model`` the chakra patterns of High Level Clairvoyants to help you see quickly!

Learn step by step techniques to observe: the Inner Aura, Health Rays, Outer Aura, and Chakras of your partner and much more...

Protective web that allows one to SAFELY see the inner worlds and heightens intuition.

Learn simple and effective techniques to gently control the opening and closing of the chakra.

To know more about the workshop please contact us at +91 87 9972 2460