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Pranic Healing Delhi NCR > Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on Lords Prayer

Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on Lords Prayer

During this fascinating one day workshop one will be enlightened and empowered by the teaching and the esoteric practice and Learn the secrets & power of the Lord’s Prayer .The “Lord’s Prayer” is one of the most popular prayers of the World.The meditations on the Lord’s Prayer are techniques for spiritual development.By using two versions of meditation “the Universal and the Kabbalistic” – meditating on the meaning of each phrase… We can experience the Spirit behind the Form.

Who can attend the workshop (eligibility)

Basic Pranic Healing

What will you learn?

An insight and understanding of the functions & uses of Eleven Chakras for quick Spiritual Awakening.

Usage of Tree of Life to effortlessly transmute sexual energy into Spiritual Bliss

Inner purification leading to Spiritual Bliss or Ananda that help Soul Awakening.

Lord's Prayer, a system for Spiritual development which uses energy centres of the body.

The deeper use of - Chakras or energy vortices, along with the regulation of lower emotions and the Kundalini energy.

To know more about the workshop please contact us at +91 87 9972 2460