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Pranic Healing Delhi NCR > Pranic Psychic Self Defence®

Pranic Psychic Self Defence®

Pranic Psychic Self Defence is one of the most popular one day workshop specially tailored to protect you from negative and destructive energy patterns. The course offers simple, effective and practical remedies to psychic problems encountered by most people.

This course is a revolutionary set of advanced techniques to create energy shields for one’s self and loved ones as protection against physical, etheric, emotional mental and occult attacks whether deliberate or unconscious.This workshop is a must for energy and light workers as well as people who work in stressful environments. More importantly, it discusses how to utilise universal principles and understand universal laws to make shields as protection from being attacked psychically as well as not attacking others.

Who can attend the workshop (eligibility)

Pranic Psychotherapy

What will you learn?

Understanding how psychic attacks are launched and how you can protect yourself from them.

Safeguarding your children's precious and innocent consciousness from preying on entities of drugs and negative programming from peers.

Placing a protective aura around your business to ensure prosperity.

Stopping ``psychic vampires`` from draining your precious life force.

Shielding your personal belongings, including your financial assets.

Protecting your business and finances from envious competitors and their negative vibe.

Learning what causes ``bad luck`` and changing it to Good Fortune.

To know more about the workshop please contact us at +91 87 9972 2460