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Pranic Healing Delhi NCR > Pranic Feng Shui

Pranic Feng Shui

The energy condition of a place—be it your home or workplace—affects your life, health, wealth, and happiness. It can affect you psychologically, spiritually, and financially. Take the Pranic Feng Shui Course, the science of positioning positive energy, and effectively manage the energy condition of your homes and offices to attract and create harmonious, prosperous, happy, and healthy environments in your homes and offices, and neutralise negative energies in your environments.

Pranic Feng Shui Workshop is designed for people who are interested in designing their house or workplace to be in complete harmony with nature and to bring health, wealth, happiness and spirituality. It is highly recommended for architects, interior designers and artists, as well as businessmen, retailers and housewives.

Who can attend the workshop (eligibility)

Advanced Pranic Healing

Workshop Date: 5th August 2023 (Saturday)

What will you learn?

Know the properties of directions and use the proper direction for prosperity and abundance

Use proper pictures to bring joy, success and abundance to your home and work place

Use the proper direction to increase the spiritual energy of your house

Know the influences of colours on your system and the proper use of colours based on the function of each place

Understand the effects of certain forms, objects and room formations on the energy of the place

Know the solutions to neutralise a bad Feng Shui

To know more about the workshop please contact us at +91 87 9972 2460