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Pranic Healing Delhi NCR > Pranic Crystal Healing®

Pranic Crystal Healing®

Pranic Crystal Healing is a complete one day workshop which will teach you the pure essence of the science and art of Pranic Crystal Healing. Crystals and stones naturally have consciousness and thereby can be used as a powerful instrument of healing if you know how to cleanse, program and energise them.In fact wearing the right colour of crystal is not enough to achieve expected results, you need to know how to cleanse and program them as well.

In Pranic Crystal Healing, the qualities and capabilities of crystals and gemstones will be discussed and the methods of making use of this precious gift for healing and spirituality will be taught. It is believed that crystals can increase your healing power by 200 times and more!Some crystals can even be used to improve your working skills and prosperity level.

Who can attend the workshop (eligibility)

Pranic Psychotherapy

What will you learn?

Learn how to increase your healing power with the use of crystals.

Superstitions and misconceptions about stones & crystals will be completely debunked .

Learn techniques of using crystals to relieve & treat headaches, fever, arthritis, hypertension and many more ailments.

Learn which crystals and stones are appropriate for which purpose.

Learn when not to wear crystals.

Learn about colour crystals and use them in colour pranic healing.

To know more about the workshop please contact us at +91 87 9972 2460