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Pranic Healing Delhi NCR > Testimonials Grid


My son Ayansh 5 years old had head injury twice when he was playing... one injury had 5 stitches n other injury had 3 stiches. Both of the injury was in between one month... And was deep… Doctor said it will take 15 days to heal n scars will also take time but thanks to pranic healing. My son was given healing and those stitches where healed fast with in 7 days n scars were less. Doctor said it looks like plastic surgery is done. Very nicely healed ... I was very much worried of my son injury n marks… but now i am very much thankful to god n Pranic healer for her time n healing.

Gunj Verma

Three years ago, I saw the effectiveness of healing when my mother suffered a lung collapse and was hospitalized. Healing not only provided her much needed succour, but it also helped us cope with the constant strain of not knowing; of dealing with a new diagnosis and crisis every day. The most remarkable thing to me was that the healers never disparaged other systems of medicine. They did not ask us to stop allopathic medicines or forgo tests. That is why Pranic Healing works not just by itself but also in tandem with all other systems of healing.


My first experience with Pranic Healing was when my brother’s close friend was diagnosed with cancer and suffered immediate remission despite surgery and chemotherapy. There was little hope and we turned to pranic healing in desperation. At that time, we knew nothing about this system.  Eight years later, my brother’s friend is a professor, hale and healthy.